General Sales & Services Agents (GSSA)
Our Aim is to provide valuable services to Airlines which allows them to achieve:
o Cost Effective
o Low Maintenance Cost
o Brand Visibility
The GSSA becomes the face of the airline in a specific territory or region and provides the freight forwarding community with a full range of cargo services.
General Sales Agent (GSA)
An airline GSA is a third party that provides marketing and sales services to an airline under the airline's brand, usually in countries where the airline does not have no or minimal service.
o Infrastructure
o Market Knowledge
o Human Resources/ Manpower
o Brand Visibility / Awareness
o Network Expansion

Total Cargo Management (TCM)
Total Cargo Management (TCM) means complete and comprehensive management of an airline's cargo division. GSA is responsible to manage following areas:
o Manage Carrier (Passenger / Cargo)
o Sales
o Ground Handling
o Cargo Revenue Accounting
o Operational Audits
o Claims/ Insurance Management
o Communication & Coordination (Passenger Division)
Block Space/Seat Agreement (BSA)
A Block Space/Seat Agreement (BSA) purchases an agreed-upon capacity or space on an airline or carrier's flight. The carrier might be a separate plane or a part of another plane (ex: the belly of an aircraft).
o Pre-Booking of Seats
o Capacity & Yield Optimization
o Cargo Block Space
o Revenue Maximization

Cargo Sales Agent (CSA)
We aim to provide the best possible all-service airline representation in the air cargo market while fully maintaining the airline's own identity and propositions.
o Quality Service
o 24 x 7 Support
o Tailor made / customized Cargo Solution
o Sales & Operation Management
Partner Airlines